Room 3's Blog
Monday, 4 August 2014
Room 3's amazing alliteration astounds all…
eagle eats enormous eggs.Adnan
alligator ate Annie’s apples.
Sammie snake slowly says snow.
monkey munches mangos getting muddy.Jack
joey jumped jolly joyously.Zita
zebra zigzagged through the zoo.Katelin
kangaroo cutely crept into a cave.Cade
cat could cut cake.Snowy
sheep Shya sneakily skied through sheep.Kenny
kangaroo did a karate kick on king kangaroo.Jayga
Joey jumped joking jellyfish when jogging.Maddie
monkey mashed through muddy murky muck mud with Mooshie monsters. Taylor
Tiger tickled Thomas tank.Sierra
snake slithers slowly through slimy sticky steam.Sophie
snake stretched slowly in slime.Rose
rat ran rope right away.
bat burgled bouncy balls.Kupa
kangaroo consumed cucumbers.Karate
Callum kangaroo cautiously kicked the karate king.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Let me tell you about ANZAC day. When it is ANZAC you will get to see the guns go up in the sky so we can remember the people that died in the war. Poppies grew in the battle field and we look at them to remember the soldiers. Don't forget the soldiers.
By Sophie
Do you know why we have ANZAC day? To remember soldiers. They shoot guns in the air to remember the people.
By Yeshuah
Do you know why we have ANZAC day? To remember soldiers.
By Cade
Do you know why ANZAC day is so important? It is important because they moved away and lived in deep dark holes to keep us safe. It the war the army used animals to send messages. Poppies grew on the battle field as bright as a love heart. ANZAC day is important because we remember the people that died in the olden days. Now you can tell your friends why ANZAC day is important .
By madison
Hungry FrogBug hug,
Oh no the frog in on a log,
The frog is coming to lunch,
So the frog can have a munch,
snap slap,
Frogs Lunch.
By Kenny
Frogs lunch
Lunch time, time for a munch,
Frog is hungry in his tummy,
Fly is flying bye,
Frog watches the fly go bye.
By jack
Hey look at the
cherry red tonge. The frog is green like the swamp. The fly is buzzing
the slimy green frog. The eye are as dark as the cave. My frog is as fat
as a
pig. I used bold writing to make it stand out. The lines are to tell you
the fly is moving.
By madison
Picture this I screamed with a puff and a chug as little train stopped. Will they say yes to helping us said "little blue train"?
By Adnan
Picture this a bright little blue train shinny as lighting. She is kind and helpful and helps the train over the hill.
By Jonty
Picture this I see a little red engine and he is smooth as a seal. I hear puff, puff, puff and chug chug chug.
By Blake
Do you want to tie your shoe?
Pull you laces up. Next cross them over. After do the loop the loop. Then you make bunny ears after put one ear threw the hole and pull it tight.
Now you can tie your shoes.
By Madison
Do you want to tie your shoes?
You pull the laces up then cross them over. Next you loop the loop. After make bunny ears and put ear threw. Then pull tight. Now you can ties your shoes.
By Jack
A little egg lay on a leaf and pop! A little lava as slimy as a slug came out it was a very hungry caterpillar it sheered it skin to to become a stripy caterpillar. I turns into a J shape and makes a cocoon it stays in their for 2-4 weeks and after that becomes a rainbow butterfly. Now you know how caterpillars grow.
By Krystal
Guess what? I'm going blow your socks off.
First a caterpillar is little wee egg. Next it turns into a caterpillar after that it builds it's self a cocoon around it's self.Then is beautiful butterfly and it can fly fly fly every where.
By Sophie
I am going to tell you about the caterpillars. The caterpillars turn into a egg and then it makes a cocoon. After it will turn into a beautiful betterfly.
By Jayga
A trip to the Zoo.
Guess what I have seen before? It is a pretty peacock. It has a green tail and is as pretty as can be. It makes a colourful fan.
By Shakana
I went to the Zoo
I went to the zoon and seen a wallaby. It bounced as high as a plane.
By Taylor, Jonty, Yeshuah, Blake, Jayga and Adnan
Guess what I have seen at the zoo? It has a furry mask the zoo has all finds of them. It has a waggy tail and I gave him a drink of milk. Can you guess what it is? A lion.
By jack
Guess where I go for a bike ride!
It is cold, there is a path, there are lots of trees. We go there every sunny day and it has a playground. It has heaps of steeps . Keep reading to find out! It is very very noisy and relaxing. It has water to go under.
Do you know where?
By Madison
Wow it is so fun with my bike. I can smell the sea and I can see the sand.
Can you guess where I like to ride my bike?
By Krystal
Guess where I am at but not yet because I haven’t told you! I like to bike near trees a lot of trees. Now you can guess.
By Kupa
Guess what, Do you know where my favourite place to ride my scooter is?
It smalls like sea water and shells filled with sand. Read on and guess where it is. It smells like dried up seaweed and I find stick men.
Did you guess the Beach?
By Shya
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Come and view our work and look at our photo's.
We will share ideas and websites and games.
Back in Term 3 we went to the museum and aviary. On our way we visited the Stumpery. It was exciting and fascinating! Have you seen the dinosaur? We also had lots fun playing at the playground!
Come and view our work and look at our photo's.
We will share ideas and websites and games.
Back in Term 3 we went to the museum and aviary. On our way we visited the Stumpery. It was exciting and fascinating! Have you seen the dinosaur? We also had lots fun playing at the playground!
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